The Meaning of Home
Home is a feeling of happiness and joy, something that you can’t ignore. It’s a feeling of pride and belonging. When you enter you hear laughter and memories start flooding through your mind. Just hearing the word “home” will make me cry. I haven’t been there in a long time, ever since I’ve moved to Canada I didn’t get a chance to experience those memories. It’s been nearly 7 years since I left, and I haven’t been able to go back because of wars, dictatorships, and mostly money. My family is too scared to go back because there is a probability that they will be arrested. But if I could go back, I would without doubt in my mind.
Even though I’m upset that I left, I’m happy to be in Canada. I met my friends here, and they would be so sad to see me leave. Leaving Canada also means I would have to find new friends at another school and if I get a teacher I dislike, I have to stay with them for a whole year! I would also have to get used to using a different language to communicate. I got used to English, I’m starting to forget Russian! (Russian is my first language)
The biggest reason I wanna go back is because of my grandma. I haven’t talked to her in person in nearly 2 years. I miss her the most and the rest of my Uncles and Aunts. I just wanna see them one last time before it’s too late.
So in conclusion, home is a feeling of joy and pride, where memories were and are made.
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