The Feelings Of Home
If home were a sight, It will be as gorgeous as the sunrise.
If home were a smell the entire house will smell like traditional
Food. If home was a feeling, the house would be filled with love and care.
If home was warm, it will be like a bear is hugging you like a
Warm cozy big blanket that wraps around you really tightly.
If home, were a touch it will be touched with so much love,
From the whole family and friends that came in the house.
If home were a song, it would play beautiful classic music.
Living at home is fun you sleep, eat, blather, dance
And have lots and lots of fun with your family,
Friends, cousins, grandparents and much more if i forgot. The meaning of home, it's not just the home itself but it's what that's inside. In the inside of home its safe,clean,peaceful,warm ext. On the outside of home its sometimes dangerous, cold, most of the time in my opinion scary.
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