Meaning of Home
I am from playing with my cat things. Not my cat’s toys.
To playing with cat stuffies on my bed at midnight.
From getting my dog and doing fun games with it for hours and hours.
To crying my eyes out when my dog dies but getting some cute little kittys.
I am from St.Andews, Winnipeg, Manitoba and my friends lives by me.
To still living in st.Andews with my friends and asking for play dates. Well and going crazy when my parents say yes.
I am from eating revolting wet baby food with a lot of foul was so messy too.
To eating pizza with friends and family. I love when I have stuffed crust.
From jello for lunch and a lot of snacks.
To eating macaroni and mini chocolate bars for lunch. I love macaroni a lot.
I am from playing with my cats in my messy room, and then I’d dash and my cats ran after me.
To playing in my sort of clean room still with my cats. Then I’d call my friends.
From playing with a mini basketball in my basement then running to my table to make books.
To playing in my basement with my gigantic blue ball then I’d come up stairs to play some games with my cats.
I am from running all over my house to just some how get hurt.
To running in my basement, kicking my blue ball and running up stairs to call one of my friends.
From drawing in my room, then I’d run to my cats to pick them up.
To drawing in my basement then going to my room to play on my computer to play with my friends.