A Home
A home is a place where you can eat.
A home is a place where you can have fun.
A home is a place where you can sleep.
A home is a place where you feel free.
A home is a place where you use your imagination.
A home is a place where you smell clean laundry.
A home is a place where you find your favourite things.
A home is a place where you feel safe.
A home is a place where you can rest.
A home is a place where you play games.
A home is a place to be kind.
A home is a place where you can come back to.
A home is a place to try new things.
A home is a place to stay.
A home is a place to live.
A home is a place to learn.
A home is filled with laughter.
A home is filled with joy.
A home is filled with love.
A home is only a home if you call it one.
And that is why Habitat for humanity builds homes for Canada.