Meaning of Home
I am from refusing to eat tomatoes, and fish it tasted very disgusting when I first tried it
To eating fries, tater tots, egg sandwich, and ramen noodles
From being picky whenever I get a peanut butter and jam sandwiches
To New foods and not being picky and eating peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
I am from hating soccer and toy dinosaurs and bord games
To playing hockey, boardgames, and playing with my toy titanic
From hating to go to hockey practice and soccer
To going to hockey practice and working very hard.
I am from never going to New Years pop tasting and skipping it
to loving to go to New Years pop tasting and Christmas movies
from tasting pop from only Manitoba and not new ones
to tasting pop from different countries.
I am from never going into the Living room
To always going into the living room, my room and outside
From being scared of the dark and outside when it’s dark
To always going to my friends and it’s usually dark when I come back.