What makes my house a home!
I love my home! There are a lot of things that make my house a home! I will tell you five reasons why. In my home there is helpfulness because when someone gets hurt we help and cheer each other up. One time I hit my foot on the corner of my coffee table or when my sister got sick my parents would get us mostly anything we wanted. When it's time to go to sleep I know I’m loved because my parents always hug me and read me books at night. For example my dad always squeezes me so tight I feel like I’m going to explode! And my parents sometimes read me a Robert Munch book! What makes my house a home is when my mom and dad make me and my sister food because they are so thoughtful to be taking away their time to make us delicious food. My mom sometimes makes pasta, it is so yummy! At my home there is freshness because my parents use up all their time to clean the whole house when guests are coming over. For example when my family was coming over, my mom made sure we helped clean the house. My house is a home because there is laughter because my family and i sometimes play board games and sometimes we play games that involve actions like the chicken dance that always makes my family and i laugh. One time we were playing charades. It was so funny!
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