What Home Means to Me
A home is a variety of different things and varies between many people. To some, it is a roof over your head or just a safe place to rest at night. In my opinion, this is somewhat true, but also false. I believe this is false because a home involves more emotions and expressions. This is how I define a home:
A home is a sanctuary where your body can rest after a tough day. A home is where you share memories with the ones you love and will cherish forever, no matter if these memories are just brief moments. You will always hold these memories close to your heart because you spent them with the people you would risk everything you have for.
A home is where you anticipate over school or taxes, or even what to wear.
A home is where after a long day of trick-or-treating you decide to try to trick your mom by covering up your face just to get more candy, even though you never succeed. A home is where on Easter you try to beat your siblings in finding the most Easter eggs, even though they're double your size. A home is where on Christmas morning you wake up wondering with great curiosity about what you received. A home is where you and your family gather around the Christmas tree opening presents, hoping you got what you desired.
A home is where your grief lays in a special room because your relative resided there but is no longer with us on earth. When you walk into this room your heart stops for a moment. You get chills on your back, knowing that person is with you in the moment. You can see how much the room has been transformed.
Surely you will agree that whoever concurs with the statement "it is a roof over your head or just a safe place to rest at night" is false.
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