Home: What Does It Mean to Me
If you ask me what home means to me, I'll say that home is spending time with my parents, making pizza, and watching movies. Another thing I'll say would be that home is not a house. There's a humongous difference between the two. First, a home is NOT a building, a house is. Second, a home is a sedentary place filled with memories. A house is a building, with little or no sedimental value. Home can be food. Noodles, pasta, rice, Oh my! My Mothers cooking provides a feeling of home. Home can also be feelings of warmth, happiness, and comfort. When I get home after school, I just feel warm inside, you know what I mean? Also, my bedroom is my sanctuary, from singing my heart out to Taylor Swift, to sleeping peacefully after a long day. All in all, my home, and yours too, is just a wonderful place to be.