What Home Means to Me
Home is a place where you are loved and where you can express all your feelings and think about anything to free up space in your head. Home is where you have fun and play with your family including siblings, parents, grandparents and pets. At home you can have all the time you need. You can do anything you want. Your home is a fun place where you play and learn and are loved.
Home is a comfortable and warm, peaceful, quiet place but home is not just a place or house. You have personalized it. Houses are built then personalized by their owners into a home. A home protects you and provides shelter from danger like a storm or any other kind of threat. A home is a safe place to feel safe inside of.
Having the human needs available are needed to survive like shelter and water and food, but most importantly home is where the people and others who love you are, and everyone needs to
feel loved. Our homes are happy places, where we know we can go to be happy.
Homes can change bad days into better days. Home is where we’ve grown up, it is where we took our first steps, it is where we ate our first foods and where we were first and always loved. Home is incomparable to any other building, your home is never the same as your friend’s, or your cousin’s or anyone else’s. Your house is your house and nobody else’s can compare.
Home is safe because when we look up, we see a roof over our heads and feel comforted.