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The Feeling Of Home

Home is a cozy and safe place where you live with your family. It's the taste of your sister's FANTASTIC pancakes with fresh fruit and natural Canadian maple syrup. Home is when you get cozy and warm in your bed on a cold winter's night. It’s the smell of your moms DELICIOUS boiling hot chicken noodle soup! Home is when you get to spend time with friends and family. You make memories in your home. Home is when you snuggle up in a soft, fluffy and warm blanket to have hot chocolate by the fireplace. It's a place to feel loved and cared for. You are encouraged by your family in your home. Home is a place where you get to express your ideas. You feel loved and welcomed in a home. Home is when you feel the safeness and peace in your heart. Everyone deserves that safe and peaceful feeling in their heart. People of Manitoba should be able to afford both rent and all of the necess


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Urban Systems Foundation - Meaning of Home Student Contest Sponsor