Meaning of Home
Meaning of Home
Eventually, this is a story about the meaning of home, there is no place like it., home is like a shelter with your whole family.
To me, the meaning of home means family. Home is lots of excitement playing Plants vs. Zombies on XBOX 360 with my brother. Home is watching a very bright, crackling fire as it flickers on a very frigid winter night. Home is like laughter, telling knock knock jokes. When I think of home, I think of eating mouthwatering meals with my loving family. Home has a lot of snuggles when I am feeling troubled and rejected. Home is watching historical and technology documentaries with my father. When I am at home, I feel lots of love, comfort, and safety from my family.
There is no better place than my home, home is always in the way for us, providing us food, drink, health, fun, etc.
Dylan Peer
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