Meaning of Home
We moved into my house on December 15, 2023. My parents had to save a lot of money to buy us a bigger house. Me and my brother were getting bigger and my family was going to have another baby. We wanted my grandma to come from Ethiopia to live with us. When I moved into my house the thing I loved the most were the bathrooms because they were purple, pink, blue and white. All my favourite colours. Now my favourite room in my house is my bedroom because I have a nice cozy bed where I can play with my toys. I love being in my kitchen helping my mom and grandma stirring the delicious food. My favourite thing to make for my family is eggs. In the basement we play ping pong, we watch movies, we relax and we laugh. I sometimes play with my baby brother Yemaren too. We have a small backyard but in the winter me and my younger brother Yohannes make forts. Sometimes I even help my parents to fix the cars we have in our driveway. In my house I feel loved by my family. They care for me and when I make mistakes they help me make it right. When I am sad I go to my bedroom where I feel safe. In my house I think about school and do my homework because I want to be a doctor. Me and my cousin Sarah both want to be doctors so we can help people. I am thankful for my family and our house.