Meaning of Home
My home is better than anywhere you’ve ever been. With memories that are amazing or ok, and memories that help me learn and grow. Home feels like a place where I feel loved and cared for as well as hoped for a good life and taught to be a good child and behave well. It smells like a Lush shop of nice soap and bath bombs that smells like all the best. Home tastes like an ice cream sandwich of love, care, hope, strength, peace, belief, and me coming home to my favourite foods. My home is the best place ever!!
My home feels like a fantasy of greatness. When I get home I feel so many good feelings I can’t explain the feeling I get. It feels so great because if anything happens I always have someone there for me. It feels like when you get what you want for your birthday, and it feels so good to come home from a long day at school or gymnastics. My house feels like the best place on earth!
I love the smell of my home. If you came to my house you would smell so many different cultures. It smells like my mom cooking my favourite traditional food and the smells of burning candles. The best smell my home has is the smell of fresh flowers and smells of different soaps and bath bombs. My home smells better than a perfume store. My home smells like the best place in the universe!
My home tastes like a fantasy! My home tastes like a five star restaurant of all different people and cultures. Sometimes I wake up to a simple breakfast but when I get home the kitchen table is full of phõ, beef and green beans, steak, mash potato, banh mi and the list of food goes on and on. Home food is so much healthier and even sometimes better tasting. Sometimes my mom says “ slow down Dung ( Isabella).”
My home is the most extraordinary place ever! I think my home has the best tastes in the world! My home has the most amazing smells in the whole solar system ! Thinking about home makes me feel good even if i’m sad or mad. My home is the best place on the planet!