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The cool Home of society

A house may have structures that you really want to have but a home as light and justice with hope and very humorous but when building has sofas couches and ever it's always darkness so show your love when you have chances don't let them take them away from you always be humble a home is not always a bouse it could be anything that you live and shelter and you eat and where you sleep but a house does not have any of those charastics so a home is very salient but a house inconsequential in a house there almost no motion but a house has a lot of effervescent a house as nothing to care about but a home with people has ecstasy. A house is so quiet like a mouse but a home is as loud as a lion Even tho a house might have anger and sadness over a few minutes it will all repay A house is going to be as dark as a lost city But a home might bright as the sun shines on us with laughter and chatters Let the sunshine and never let the rain fall down with happiness everything will come So never think a car is not home if you sleep there and have because any place that you have fun sleep and enjoy then it's still a home great home to be in


Grade 6

Mississauga, Ontario

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