Home- The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
To google home is just a word. To a person home is where they live, home is a family, home is a safe place. At the end of the day home is where you go to rest. Home is knowing you are ok when you get up, and to a lot of people home is everything. Hi my name is Emma and I will be talking about what home means to me.
I thought my home was just a building until about a year ago. I read the breadwinner book series with my mom and realized how lucky I was. It was really sad but it made me think about all the people who don’t have a home, a family or food and water. I tried to imagine not having heat in my house and the love of my family.
A home is not something that everyone can have, and I feel very lucky to have four walls that I can call my home. If I could somehow give everyone a home, that would be my dream. Home does not just mean a building, home means a family waiting for you.
A home to me is so special. I have lived in my wonderful house my whole life. To me a home is the most important thing one could have. Whether I’m in my room reading with my dog or watching movies with my family, I always feel safe. In my home, I can sleep in your bed feeling ok about myself. Home is a place of love and forgiveness.
Now my essay has come to an end. I highly recommend staying warm in your house tonight.
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