Home Of Love
A house is a building built with bricks,
but a home is made of love.
A house can be small and cold,
but a home is big and warm.
A home is also an area to be yourself,
where happiness is at its most.
A home is somewhere where funny shenanigans are made.
A house might have neat and shiny furniture,
but a home is somewhere where love is electric.
A home is also where scrumptious food is made.
A house might have an incredible pool and yard,
but a home is where happiness warms us.
A home is somewhere where joy lives.
A home is somewhere where laughter is at its peak,
just like the laughter a home can make.
A house can be small, tall, or long,
but all are love, as soon as someone calls it home.
A home is somewhere where sharing and family live.
A home is what you call “ love “ .
Thank you HABITAT For HUMANITY for building homes for people who need them.