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Not a House But a Home

A house is a place to buy with money but a home you don't need money to buy love. A house is a place that open space but a home has stuff so that it is comfy with peace. A house can come with stuff but a home you can bring new stuff that you love. A house can be comfy but a home can be loved. A house can have a nice design but a home has its own personality. My house comes with stuff but my home comes with love. My friend's house comes with good smells but my home comes with good memories. A house has empty rooms but a home has rooms filled with love. Love is in a home not a house. No house has love only a home can. Scented smells that are only in my home. I bike up and down to my home not house. I build with my lego that you can't find in your house. I squeeze my stuffy that I keep at home not house. I climb up and down my treehouse on a ladder at my home not a house. When I wake up I go to the sunroom and see how things are at my home not house. I dingdong my door for fun at my home not house. I make an igloo at my home not house. I chuck paper up and down making crafts at my home. I bake in my oven at my home not house I have a hill in my backyard for sledding at my home. I sit and lay on my couch at my home. I fill my water bottle at my home I love my home!


Grade 5

Guelph, Ontario

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