The Meaning of Home
I live in a house and I'm very happy that I have one. Because some people do not have one and they have to sleep and live on the side of the street and sidewalk. And that's not that good for our Environment because there is often litter like garbage. People call the people who live on the streets Homeless and some people call the tents, tent cities.
Food these days is really expensive and it's hard for the homeless to buy food because they don't have a lot of money and that's why they live on the side of the street. I am lucky to live in a home with lots of food.
In Sackville there is a baseball field. Well there was a baseball field and they changed it to a little baby city with little houses. It helps the homeless because the homeless live in them and there are street signs. Some homeless spend their money on drugs and cigars and cigarettes and that stuff and it's bad for your health. It can make a big difference if you don't do that because you can have a better life. And some homeless people buy lottery tickets to try to get more money. I am grateful that I don't have to live in a tent and have a big house. At my house I feel happy/ loved/ joyful/ grateful.
Thank you, Habitat for Humanity for doing this.