My home, my dream
A home is a place where joy arrives,
laughter, positivity, and reunions rise.
We sit around the coffee table,
Letting the old ones tell fables.
The backyard is a perfect place to play,
Soccer, tag, roleplay all day.
Laughter, grilling, and smiles come true,
It’s time to go to the kitchen, to get our food.
In the kitchen, flavors are everywhere,
Making the food packed with care.
From the delicious vegetables and some cooked meat,
Our hunger is fully released.
The bedroom is a sanctuary of cozy and comfort,
You lie down and release your discomfort.
Midnight dreams are everywhere,
Falling in them will erase your despair.
The bathroom is a place to clean and dry your skin,
You look in the mirror and look at your twin.
Everything in the bathroom seems glorious,
Playing with toys while showering brings back memories.
The study room is a place to learn,
Documents, books, and achievements that we earned.
Homework and projects are all finished,
Higher goals are now accomplished.
A house only has four walls and a roof,
While a home has happiness to fill it with.
A house doesn’t have a purpose,
While a home is unique and precious.
A house doesn’t have a big heart,
A home knows truly who you are.
I love my home,
It is my dream!
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