Home is.....
Home is……
Home is a place that is full of laughter, kindness, good and beautiful memories. It is a place where you can feel safe to share how you feel and where you can feel safe. Home is where I smell my mom making apple crisp. Me and my Mom love to bake together. I enjoy doing things with my Mom. I love to cook a lot
Home smells like fresh apple crisp coming out of the oven.
Home is a place that I’m grateful for and a place where you can be yourself and to show who you are .Home is where I got taught how to drive my first bike.
When I feel sad my mom tries to talk to me and sees what she can help with or what is something that I can do at home.Home feels like I can tell my mom the truth and tell her how I am. My Mom does a lot for me.Home is like a place that I feel safe where I can decorate my room how I want it to be .
Home is a place where my Mom and I had a movie night. Sometimes we have popcorn with a lot of butter and a candy bowl and these juice drinks that I make. They are really good. I love to spend time with my Mom .Home is where family laughter,happiness and where love is everywhere but mostly in home .Home is where I can play with my cat. I got my cat for my 11th birthday. Home looks like a cozy place and where you can chill out and have a spa day at home. I like my home.
by Kailyn M