Meaning of Home
I am from going to my grandma’s house on Christmas Eve to have dinner there
to having an Elf named Snicker Doodle who hid in a new spot every day;
from finding eggs with my family on Easter
to helping my younger sister Evie find eggs too.
I am from asking my mom to play Lightning Mc Queen and other cars in the living room
to playing board games like beat the parents with my family on the table;
from playing with Paw Patrol toys in the living room with my mom and dad
to practicing hockey downstairs with my dad to help me work on my shot in hockey.
I am from sitting in my crib and going for a nap with my mom reading me a bedtime story
to being in my room playing this game called Globle and scratching it off my map;
from staying in my Jolly Jumper when my mom does peak a boo
to playing a game called the wrestling Game in the living room with my dad and older sister Sophia.