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In my home I have lots of memories Both good and bad that best describe me. In different ways home could bring you cheer Though sometimes it could hold lots of tears. Each room in my house has a different meaning And this is still the same house I had from the beginning This is the house that I’ll forever call home Because this is my house and no place like home. People move around and around for a different house to call home Because most houses might not be the perfect home. Home is where you have your supporters,with four walls and a roof. And without both you'll never be able to goof With four walls and a roof your house would be leak proof To shelter you from storm And to keep you warm Surrounded by family You get both comfort and care All the safeness and love You get to share. With acceptance and happiness That fill the air You get both madness and love the perfect pair. Some people may have a house but not one that could call home And some people have none that they could roam. If you have one be happy if you don't your in luck because habitat for humanity will get you starstrucked.


Grade 6

Cote St. Luc, Quebec

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