Home Sweet Home!

Home Sweet Home! Mabel.Morgan Home isn't just a building where you live. Home is a place to make memories, to love and to be loved. Home is a place to feel safe and loved, not a place with walls that are blocking you from feeling loved. Home should always be a place where you can feel safe . It’s not a place where you feel like you have to lock your doors because it’s like locking you from the world, which you still have yet to see. And when you’re not going out, you’re not making memories. Home is where you spend time with friends and family. Where you can be with the people you love. Home is a place where you can welcome others. Home is a place where you can eat delicious meals and play fun games with your friends and family. Home should never be a place where you don't feel happy. You should always feel happy in a home. Home should be a place to love and be kind to others. Well others are being kind to you. And you can always decide who you want in your home. It’s is a place to share your happiness and kindness and to spread it around your home and even outside your home. Home is a place to be happy. Home is not just a place with walls and a bed to sleep, it’s a place to love and share and to be happy. Home is a place where you make happy memories. Home should never be a place where you don't feel safe.


Grade 6

Kelowna, British Columbia

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