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What Home Means To Me

Home means a safe space. Home is a place where you can see family and friends, a place where you have sleepovers with friends and family, you can do fun activities and watch movies with your family. You can play with siblings. It is a fun place to be when you stay home from school. You do funny things together. A place where there are gonna be ups and downs, lefts and rights, sad and happy times, maybe even angry times too! The people that you're with are the people you care for. Home means a place where you talk about old or new stories. And you play catch with your dad or mom, fetch with the family dog or cat and, a place that will always be a safe space for you and your family. A place where you can call family members, celebrate your birthdays and do crafts. A place where it's normal for parents to read their daughters' diaries. You feel comfortable there, And you learn new words like infinitesimal, it's a magical place to feel loved by so many people in your life. Home is a place where you play all day, get to stay up a bit late some nights, it's a very fun place to be and live! A place where you can sneak candy in your room and hide it from your parents! Once you get old enough you get to watch scary anime shows like demon slayer. You can hang out with your parents more to watch it together. And there are many more things you can do with your parents like study math, play basketball, go on vacations, play volleyball, go on a walk, show them a dance, and this is what home means to me, just me. Love your family!


Grade 5

St. Davids, Ontario

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