Home Is Where The Heart Is!
My home is not just walls or a roof.
It's a place where you don't need any proof!
It's a place where the walls are never bare.
They always have a picture to share.
The laughter while playing UNO at night.
It makes my home so much more bright!
A house is just a wooden structure.
My home is where I can truly embrace my culture!
My home is where the heart is!
Nothing is better than this!
Then at Christmas opening presents having a blast!
Family time goes by so fast!
You love your home- and I love mine. It's a place where we are free!
But in the end we all agree. A home is something we all need!
Like people on the broken streets! They need somewhere warm to sleep!
Thank you Habitat for Humanity for rescuing all their broken dreams!
Now they have a home that gleams!!!