A Warm Home

A home is a place where there’s a variety of rooms, And a place where happiness blooms. The living room is a warm, relaxing place, Where people see each other face to face. Where time goes fast with your family, And where people always laugh happily. The bedroom is where people get comfy, And it's a place where people feel cozy. The bedroom is where the warm bed is at, And where the roof is like a warm, big, hat. The dining room is where I smell the tasty food, and where sweet snacks are chewed. It’s where people laugh and talk, And eat after a long, tiring, walk. The kitchen is where there are lots of recipe books, It's where the food has nice looks. The counters are filled with kitchen supplies, Where people bake tasty pies. The hallway is where people find their rooms, It's a way to the bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms. It’s a path that leads to other places in the house, Where there are flowers growing like a greenhouse. The laundry room is where the clothes are stacked, Where bags are unpacked. It’s where clothes are washed, Where people hear the water swish and swash. The balcony is where there’s a nice, cool, breeze, Where it’s negative degrees. Where people see the nice view, Where the sky is a bright, pretty, blue. A home is a place where everyone is comfortable, And where everyone feels listenable. Everyone deserves a warm home.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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