Meaning of Home
What Makes Home Home
Some people think a house and a home are the same things. But a house is really just a roof over your head and a home is where family is and a lot more.
A home has many things in it but the most important thing is family. A home would feel empty without the people you love. I’m not just talking about humans, I'm also talking about pets. Try to imagine your home without your fluffy cat or your little puppy or whatever pet you might have. In short, home isn’t home without family.
Another thing a home has is comfort. What makes home comfortable you may ask. Well imagine coming home from going camping or something like that, wouldn’t it feel so great to be home again and flop down in your bed. The answer is yes. And that is why home can give you comfort.
In your home you are free to do whatever you want. Read a book, play a game and a bunch of other things. Let me ask you a question. Can you suddenly decide “I'm going to play a game” while you’re supposed to be doing math at school? Nope! You see while you’re at home you can do that but not at school.
A home has many great things in it: Family, comfort and freedom. A home is also very valuable even though it is free.