What Home Means to Me

Home is a place where you can relax and have fun, where you can eat and drink and sleep all day. Watch movies with family or watch all by yourself, you hear laughter and play fights while the snow is running down your window. You start to imagine what it felt like with no home, no family to laugh with just a cold and winter night, no playing games with friends or even family nights, no play fights with your siblings, no eating or drinking that much, no sleeping in your cozy bed with a nightlight. it would be cold and stormy and feel helpless. But maybe just maybe you could help someone else with no home. You could give them a blanket and some hot cocoa too and they could be happy while you're there with them too. They could be laughing and thankful that some people would help in the cold, rainy and snowy storms so that they wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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