What Makes a House a Home?
What Makes a House a Home
Well, a house has four walls and a roof, but a home has much more.
see a home is a place to be yourself, a place to laugh. A house is a
place to live but a home is a place to have fun or to make memories.
A house may be warm or dry, but a home is full of family and
friends. A home is a place to be safe from all that's wrong.
A house could be nice or fancy, but a home is cozy, safe, and warm.
Sure, they are both structures that you live in or keeps you dry and
safe, but a home has family and loved ones. In a home you can be
weird or silly, there is no one here to judge. We all have different
families and homes, but every home has some sort of love whether
its with your pet dog or your parents, every home has love whether
you know it or not.
At first you move into a boring clean house that does not smell like
anything but paint and sawdust. Then over time it turns into a home
that has love and toys all around it smells like your favorite food or
maybe your favorite perfume. Some people think a messy home is
bad but when I see a room full of toys, I think the person that was
here before was having fun. I think everyone should have a place to
call home.