curious bill

curious bill By Brady Peterson One day a cow named Bill was in the barn sleeping, when suddenly he woke up with a question in his mind. ”What does home mean?" He walked up to the chicken and said, ”what does home mean to you?” The chicken replied home to me means warmth and comfort.Bill said okay! Bill went up to the pig and said. “What does home mean to you?” The pig answered.“Home to me means safety”.Bill said okay. Then he went up to the horse and said what does home mean to you. The horse reaplied. “Home to me means love and kindness”. Bill said okay! Finally Bill went up to the duck and said what does home mean to you? The duck replied home to me, means being together with loved ones. Bill said, okay! After that he went back to the barn to see his parents. When he got back to the barn he went up to his parents and said, “Today I learned what home means!" THE END


Grade 4

Brookfield, Nova Scotia

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