My Home
“My home… a poem”
By:Myla lawrence.
My home has a TV. And that's where
me and my family chill…
And my home also has three bedrooms, One for me and my sister. And one for my brother and one for my mom.
I have two homes: my moms home and my dads home. My moms home has 2 dogs: Hazel and hank!
My dads home also has 2 Dogs. ollie and remi my moms dogs are 2 different breeds hazel is a minicher pincher. And hank is a boston terrier. And my dads dogs are ollie and he's a german shepherd. And remi is a great dane. She's really big. She even knocked down a plant that was in my home…
My home has happiness. Lots and lots of joy. and I'm always happy and full of joy . My home is my home. I always feel safe and warm. so you should too. Just relax and feel lots and lots of love!!!!
Believe in yourself. If you're mad, Relax. If you're sad, Relax. If you feel anxiety, Relax. and feel love, Never Never Never Give up!!!!!
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