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While a House is Built, a Home is Grown

While a house has four walls, a home has family that keeps you standing when you want to fall down. While a house has a roof, a home has people in it that keeps you safe from harm. While a house has windows to let the air in, a home has everlasting love that flows throughout. While a house has an empty fireplace, a home has a fire burning bright and provides warmth. While a house has a kitchen, a home has people who make meals together with a secret ingredient: love. While a house has a door, a home has people in it that open the world for you. While a house has a living room, a home has people that play make-believe, charades, and build forts. While a house has an alarm system, a home has people that protect each other’s feelings. While a house has bedrooms, a home has people that have dreams together. While a house is built, a home is grown.


Grade 4

Woodbridge, Ontario

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