THE meaning of home rocks
Home is an amazing home if the memories I have had at home like me and my sister jumping off my bed onto pillows, me and my dad and playing mini sticks Wall the Oilers game is on. When my friends come over and we stay up till midnight partying, we're just doing dumb stuff that we think is fun. Home is where I shoot my family with my electric gun, and some of my friends just hide in the bathroom and the whole time I am pretty much just laughing and trying to shoot them through a little hole. Home is where I try to teach my cat to do back flips and then my friends try and it does not work for them unless I give her a treat. Home is really just a peaceful place to read your book or literally watch a Mister Beast video! Home is where I can listen to my happy and sad songs and the songs that make me party. Home is safe, home is safe as houses.