My home is fantastic. It is wonderful when we all go fishing together. Sometimes we go fishing in the sturgeon river. There is pike and they like eating meat and when we catch it we eat it and then we dip it and we deep fry it's pretty good when my mom makes the ingredients. When I am bored sometimes I turn on my xbox and play with my friends. We get a lot of wins, probably like 4 a day when they get off. I take a 30 min break and they call me when they get back on with them.
When my mom,dad,me and my dog go racing and camping at Castrol we bring my dirt bike and my stuff for my dirt bike my dad is really good at racing against people he normally gets 2 or 1 if he's lucky if he gets first because my uncle his car is really fast he always gets first and when he gets first my uncle kicks his race car.
When my dirt bike brakes I try to fix it with my dad but it takes along time to fix it cause then we have to the parts off and then takes the motor out and if we can't get it done in time before dinner is ready we eat then we go back to the garage and and put the motor on this table my dad made from steel he put cushions on it so it doesn't make a dent in the motor so then it will fit in the chasity and if the motor doesn't fit then the bike wont work.
My moms cooking is the best. She makes spaghetti from scratch and it is really good. I love it.
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