Home means Family, Life and Love !
Home means your family and your life and love your home means you are safe and loved . your family is so kind to only you. it's a place that I can go back and again it makes me cozy and nice. home is a place that you can rest and help each other in your family,s. home is where I was born with my family .I love my home it's very peace and quiet in my home I love it because I'm safe and sound through the night it makes me very nice and very cozy and very calm too it is just your family's who can do with you and us we can do with your family s I love that it is too nice for my family to be incredible for me and I can be incredible with them it makes me kind and nice the only opportunity to stay Safe at home Peace and Quiet my family loves That and be yourself when I'm by my self I get to do everything that I want but my family they want can do everythingIt makes my heart better every single day if they do that home means that I have a part opportunity to do whatever I want it makes me so happy so that's why Home means fhome is everywhere you can go everywhere it will be home until if you're Loving's home it will make you happy to enjoy it and you have to send your mother and dad and your family will always make you happy I see you always being happy it will make me really happy that my family really likes me. home means you are home and sometimes you can be all alone but it's still your home sometimes it can be home is everyone is in your house even your brother and sisters or if you have cousins there is cousins at your house if you want them to come over home means some people don't have a home so we have the home the opportunity to help the people that don't have families and home we respect that all of our people you can help the people that don't have families or home that's the reason it's called home home is everything home is everything by meaning home is every everything you want everything you like need and want it's in there I really like that I can help people and I'm not of the people that live in the streets and have no money and no home to live on that makes me sad when I'm talking about itmoney it's not money money is not home is more important than money some of you might help others that are living in streets and I'm really happy to see that in my own eyes it makes me feel happy and very cozy and special about people and me and our families every family is treating you like a baby or a car or a sweetie but you might think that your mom's don't love you but you don't see it how much they love you well that's why home is very important to all of you and it will make our whole day and I'm very happy that I have a opportunity to talk with you about home home is important as you and this is why I'm talking about and everyone Maybe but everyone should have you know what but I don't have a house I live in apartment well that's still a house a house can be anything it can be your car is a house for you but maybe it's not for me but it can be for you some people live in cars and when I see that it makes me feel sad and living in streets make you feel sad too and this is why is important to all of you here I want to do everything I can to make the world happy again with with all the families and friends just opportunity to talk with you about home And this is why you should help people around the world Families mean everything to you and home means everything to you bye.