Home If It Was The Five Senses
Home sounds like Family game night on a Wednesday with my mom and my sister playing Beat That. The loudness of our laughter, the excitement in our voices, and our dog barking, fills me up with love. Afterwards, we watched a movie in the living room and my mom made us each a bowl of popcorn to eat, the sound of it popping makes me happy.
Home smells like my mom cooking dinner for us every night, chicken Alfredo is my favorite dinner. The smell of the garlic in the sauce fills the whole house.
Home feels like my mom giving me a gentle kiss good night as she tucks me into my warm bed on cold nights.
Home looks like Keira rolling the bingo wheel in the living room, mom smiling and cooking food in the Kitchen, me dancing to the music, our dog jumping in the air.
Home is a feeling, it's not a house, it's a place where you live and stay and be happy. It is a place where friends and family can gather together and play and hang out.
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