Molly's Adventure
Molly had a good home. She had a good tallpaw, who gave her lots of treats. She had a bed to snooze on. Everything a cat could want.
“Bye Molly!” Said her tallpaw. “I've got to go to work. I'll be back soon!”
Her tallpaw left. She left everyday, but she always left the cat door unlocked. Molly pushed her way through the cat door and ran over to her mossy rock in the front yard. She clambered up, lay on top, and had a catnap.
She awoke to the sound of footsteps. She jumped up and yelled “Tallpaw!” But this tallpaw was not hers. He wore black clothing, a mask covering his face, then he picked her up by the scruff and hauled her into a bag. He tied it shut.
She hung in the air for awhile, then was plopped onto a hot surface that burned her even through the bag. She could hear cats meowing things like, “Tallpaw? W-where are you?” And the cries of kittens separated from their mothers.
“Oof!” she exclaimed, as another bagged cat was thrown at her by the tallpaw.
“Hello?” The cat said, “Who are you?”
“I'm Molly,” she said. “I'm not sure where we are, but I think we need to get out.”
“I'm Jube by the way. Do you have a plan?”
“Maybe!”. Molly scrambled, trying to find a way out. She saw light for a moment. She clawed at it desperately, and the bag flew open. She then opened Jube's bag and they released all of the others. The tall paw flung open the doors, and the cats ran frantically out, scratching his face as they passed. Later, while safely in their cat beds, the cat’s appreciated having homes to return to and tallpaws who cared for them.
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