Things that you should know about home
Home is not just a place to live, it is a place to love your family and friends. You can laugh, make jokes and have fun with your life. People are lucky to have a roof over their heads because some people don't but they still power through and still have a good life. I’m one of those lucky people who has a roof over their heads and my home is a good place to live and have fun with my family. Homes are a place to find love and to have a good rest of your life. In your house it's warm, it's cozy, you can eat good food and you can have drinks. You get all this stuff to survive. Home is like a big warm hug squeezing you tight. If you're sad you can find a quiet place in your house and you can imagine you're in a calm place laying down taking a nap in a fluffy cloud having a nice day with family, friends and love. So that is what a home is like with family, friends and love.
Hope you enjoyed the things I told you about home