The Meaning Of Home
The Meaning Of Home to me is about love and people caring for each other and laughing. To me the word house is not a word. A house is just a building with four walls and a roof. A home is four walls with love and laughter. When you walk into your home you should feel safe and comforted. You should have a family that makes you feel like you belong in this world. A house has a roof,four walls and a door. A home has love that can't be bought at a store. A home has love that lingers from all floors. As I lay in my bed I think about how lucky I am to have a warm home. Only love can build a home together. I learned that even if you are having a bad day your family will always be there for you. A home is a place you stay when you are feeling down or your loved ones are gone. A house is a place made out of stone but a home is a place where love will never be too bold. A house is just a building with rooms and stairs. A home is where memories are made and kept. My home has become something then just somewhere I sleep. It is where my mom cooks delightful dishes,filling the kitchen with aroma. A home is where you can be silly and goofy and have the best life. My home is somewhere where we can celebrate special holidays or birthdays and New Years. A home is where we make mistakes and talk and relate. A home is where you sometimes fight when you sometimes want to prove yourself correct. Home is a safe place where you\family should belong.
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