Home is Family
A home has love like no other place.
Home is a base, a space to shine.
Home is where a family can live.
Home is a place, where like bees in a hive,
you can feel safe.
While a house has walls, a home has love.
Over a home, always flies,
the dove of peace, who lives free.
In a home, you can enjoy mom’s cooking,
or dad’s tickles. Love in a house, costs not a nickel.
Many think a house is a home,
but a home is where you live, breathe, laugh and learn.
Though a house may burn,
the love that lives there, will never be worn.
A home is a sanctuary, a safe spot like no other.
A home is a place for you to discover.
In a home you will always feel loved,
from your family, friends or pets.
Home is the perfect place to bring out your best.
The love that lingers in the air, is like an invisible song,
it is always there.
Each home is different,
because all families all have their own flair.
Just like threads hold together our clothes,
an invisible thread connects us all to each other.
Everyone loves you in the family,
be it your sister, brother, mother or father.
Everyone’s spirit holds a different desire,
but the love that holds families together, is an eternal fire.
Home is where hope grows, growing an amazing, blooming meadow.
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