My Home My Home
My home is my happy place. Home sounds like the ice machine vibrating, home sounds like the creaking of my stairs, home sounds like the sound of my mom greeting me at the front door. Home smells like the candles when I decorate for Christmas, home is the smell of my moms fudge brownies on thanksgiving, home smells like my dads cologne when we go out for dinner. Home feels the warm embrace of my moms hugs, home feels like my door handle turning, home feels like the carpet on my stairs. Home looks like the bright lights on my Christmas tree at Christmas time, home looks like the LED star light in my room, home looks like my messy front hallway. Home tastes like the lasagna my mom makes for thanksgiving, home tastes like my moms air freshener at the door, home tastes like soup my mom makes when I'm sick. Home feels like the love my family gives me when I walk in the house, home feels like the happiness my family has when I make a picture for the fridge, home is the cool feeling of my home's air conditioning.
My home is my home and I or you can't change any of that.