House and Home
House and Home by luke ellis
One time in a big pond with a lot of ducks there was one little duck who woke up and was wondering what the difference between a house and a home is. So he went to ask his dad and he said dad what the difference between a house and a home is. His dad said ”a difference between a house and a home is that a house is a place with walls and a home is a place with love and kindness.”
He said, ”ok thank you.” Then he went to go ask his mom now. So he swam through the pond to go ask his mom.
“Mom, what is the difference between house and home?" he said.
“The difference between house and home is that a house has windows and a roof and a home is filled with memories of when you were a little duckling,” she said.
“Ok I am going to ask my sister.”
So he swam around the pond to find his sister. “Hey sister, what is the difference between house and home?" he said
“I don't know, let me think. oh I know now” she said. “The difference between house and home is that a house has food and a home has love and care,” she said.
“Wow there are a lot of reasons about house and home” he said.” I know a lot more. Want me to tell you?”
She said “yes yes yes!”
He said “ok ok I will.”
She said “yay!”
He said, THE END.