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Home Is a Feeling

A home is a place where thoughts are made And a safe place for you to trade. Feelings,memories, or thoughts, it's whatever comes to your mind But I'd rather have my parents rather than a million dimes. Home Is Feeling. An important feeling for all human beings. Home is a place where you can share toys,candy, and teddy bears And a safe place where you can share with all listening ears. Love is in the air Enough love for you to divide. And the love I get from my parents makes me feel divine. People could think a good costs a great extent of money. But home is really a place where it's undoubtedly funny And make memories when noses are runny. Tablets,phones, and stuff that doesn't matter But the love my family provides that I would rather. The place where warm pastries are made And when I take a bite my day is made. In my understanding i don't think my mom is a maid But she makes the best lemonade. As well as I don't think my dad is just money. But his love is as sweet and sugary as a jar of honey. The only thing I can say to my parents is thank you. Thank you for the biggest opportunity of my life. Some people who treat me like I'm actually alive. Home is the key to your heart. The place where you can see beautiful art. Home Is a Feeling.


Grade 6

Cambridge, Ontario

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