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What Home Feels Like to Me

To me, home is a place where I can relax, rest in my thoughts and a place where the only thing I can hear is my breathing or where I can feel the warm air from the heater rush against my body. Home is a beautiful place, a place where animals can flourish, where there’s no sound of cars, and where I can feel safe. Where I live, where I call home is household of love. That means I can cuddle with my dog, hug my parents and bully my brother, everything is awesome when it comes the place I call home. My parents chose to live somewhere me, and my brother would feel safe in, where we would be protected with a strong foundation, heavy walls and a securely held roof. A strong household can protect you from things like tornados, hurricanes and other natural disasters if that’s not a strong home to you, I don’t know what is. Many things I have the freedom to do in my house is play video games, take a shower, lay on the couch and have a nap even singing, yes you heard that right, whenever I’m home alone I ALWAYS sing. These are some reasons why I love my home and you should too.


Grade 6

Rockland, Ontario

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