The Meaning of Home
The meaning of home can be different for everyone, but today i'm gonna talk about my meaning of home. Home to me means being with my family. My family makes me feel happy and joyful. I love spending time with my family. Home also means basketball tournaments and playing basketball outside with my brother and my dad. My dog also makes me feel really happy and helps me calm down when I'm mad and helps me when I'm sad. My cousins also have a big part in my meaning of home because whenever I am stressed or nervous I can play video games with them and it takes my mind away from all that stress and nervousness that I had. Taco Tuesday, Christmas , and Thanksgiving also are a part of my meaning of home because it's where my family gets together to celebrate. My friends are a part of my meaning of home because they are people I can trust and hangout with. Football is home to me because of the people I meet on my team and the fun memories I make. Over all home means a lot to me because its a safe place.
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