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What Home Means To Me

What Home Means To Me Hi! Do you want to know what home means to me? If you do, enjoy this writing. A home is where we always belong. A home is always welcoming. Also home is free. Home to me is my safe place. Home to me is where I fit in. Home to me brings laughter with my family. When I go on a sleepover I cry sometimes because I miss my heart warming home. Home also to me is my Aunt’s home. Home can be messy and tidy. Home is the delicious food we eat. Home to me is playing Roblox with my friends. Home to me is my awesome Dad mowing the grass. Home brings so much memories. Home is my warm cozy bed. Home to me is my family dancing to every beat. Home to me is like a blossoming flower that grows. Home to me is having movie nights on Friday. Home to me is playing with my sister. Home to me is baking with my family and it gets burned. Home can be sad and happy! The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere. That’s what home means to me. What does home mean you? By Osemen


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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