My Meaning of Home Poem
As I walk in I smell my mom’s purely positive peppermint perfume and see my sister playing games with my dad. Moments later, together we are kneeling around tHe fire, laughing, and listening tO it sing, and go pop, pop, crack. Finally, Mom gets homE from work, and we have a fascinating dinner. Then mom decLares that it is bedtime. I simply can’t wait tO take refuge in my bedroom, which has been waiting for me. As I tumble into bed, it makes a great, big ‘Ploof!’ My bed, upon which I haVe slEpt for many years, feels as fuzzy as a truffula stuff tree. Soon I am a snoring bear. Thank you habitat for humanity, for doing what you do, and finding people homes. If you took mine away from me, my heart would burst into flames.
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