Home to Me
What home means to me.
To me when I'm home I usually happy.
To me home is a place where I really feel belonged.
When I'm home I feel welcomed and comfy, Home is a safe place.
When I'm home I get to see all of my stuffies and cuddle them so I'm really happy!
I like to play games at my home, and I really like drawing. drawing is one of my hobbies.
There's a lot of hobbies to do at home like drawing, playing games, and even going on walks, even just hanging out with a pet can be a hobby.
Every so often I will paint so I have lots of paintings in my room because I really like painting, it's my biggest hobby.
Whenever I paint I usually like to put some music on because music helps me concentrate and it can inspire me.
I have been in my home all my life so I really like my home.
What is home like to you? To me home is like a place for me to rest.