There’s No Place Like Home
T is for the toast that my dad makes in the morning.
H is for the home we live in.
E is for eating pie for breakfast.
R is for reading a good book after school.
E is for the scrambled eggs my brother makes.
S is for sleeping in on the weekends.
N is for watching the bees sip nectar in the summertime.
O is for hearing the owls at night.
P is for playing with my brother.
L is for smelling the lavender that grows in our garden.
A is for accepting that the Slocan lake is too cold to swim in.
C is for the carefree days of summer.
E is for watching an eagle circling above the trees.
L is for staying up late.
I is for walking across the ice on the creek.
K is for kayaking on Slocan lake.
E is for the echoes in the mountains.
H is for homework.
O is for the apples falling in October.
M is for the beautiful Valhalla mountains across the lake.
E is for watching the early morning sunrise.