Home is...
A home is a place you can call home and a place you can sleep in, eat in, and stay in. Home can be made out of anything, even a cardboard box. At home you will feel things, smell, hear, taste, see, and also touch things. In my home, I can smell my parents cooking in the morning, at lunch, and at dinner time. I love the smell of the fire that people have in their backyard, the smell of the fresh air that comes in my home, and sometimes the smell in my home. When I get home from school, I can hear my dog barking excited to see us, my little sister making lots of noise in the basement which is really annoying, I hear the country music on in the kitchen while cooking outside in the summer and hear my family laughing on the couch. I love the taste of my dad's homemade pizza, birthday cake, and tasting the really good cakes that my grandma makes. I like seeing my sister dancing, a family movie at home, and my room again when I am away. Seeing old memories and seeing birthdays. I touch my dog and cuddle him. I like having touching moments with my family. In my home I can feel happy moments, feeling the past that had happened so many years ago. Homes are a place you can have fun in, make so many memories, have family time, getting settled in your new home. Sometimes when you move in your new home it can be hard because you have to leave all your friends behind, make new friends, and change schools, but you will have a new neighbourhood but it will be okay.
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